- #14049: Very slow requests to /assets/
- #14048: Add search feature to the recognition topic list
- #14033: KContactUs - Add option to set message field as mandatory/required
- #14025: Update ecard list component layout
- #14016: Add currency symbol and position setting to module list
- #14003: 2FA journey node
- #13986: Metrics duplication tool
- #13985: Create recognition award image upload tool
- #13984: Create recognition badges uploader
- #13983: Create recognition levels table uploader
- #13982: Create recognition topic table uploader
Bug fixes:
- #14073: Exception when download audit items for points data
- #14072: Some NPE in Raffle details
- #14071: UI issue on Raffle details
- #14068: Add validation on select some checkbox on manage posts page
- #14067: Delete dashboard alert show internal ID instead of alert name
- #14064: Invalid text in claim type deletion validation message
- #14058: Ksms - remove item show code instead of title
- #14057: KPoll - clear all answers using old modal
- #14056: Kpoll - should check when no item select for delete
- #14051: Video player failing to load after hard refresh
- #14050: KRaffle process is inefficient
- #14045: Promotions search does not work
- #14044: Exception on Remove from group node
- #14041: Code appears instead of Raffle SKU
- #14039: Success message on process Raffle undefined
- #14037: Slow SQL on View contacts KCRM page
- #14036: Clear all result using old alert
- #14035: Bug on recognition
- #14034: KSms show alert after click send test
- #14031: Result message does not display the number of resets claimes
- #14028: Current user appears in memberships list even if it's not there
- #14015: Cannot remove members from the group
- #14013: Email statistics are for all time, need to be date filtered
- #14012: HTML should not be interprented in copy periods list
- #14010: Leads showing from other funnels
- #14009: userVisit Report cant resolve $aggInterval
- #14006: Platform: Error when deleting nv_set with group membership
- #14002: Disable 2FA uses old site message - change to kAlert
- #14001: When password being set - password was set label not appears without refresh
- #14000: Raflle - balance not showing
- #13999: Raffle - points value on frontend does not corresponds to what entered
- #13998: Raffle - no validation on entering nothing
- #13996: Raffle - details component shows code in kEditor and has no options
- #13994: Raffle - bulk adding SKUs - help data should be faded
- #13992: Raffle - add individ prize screen enhance UI (add space between SKU selector and quantity)
- #13991: Query table - sales claims pagination says 10 but shows whole list
- #13990: Publish recognition period validation use old site message - change to kAlert
- #13989: Delete recognition topic - two messages appears
- #13988: KRecognition - user can create period without select anything
- #13987: KRecognition - delete reward using old alert
- #13976: Promotion eligibility screen - close button does nothing
- #13975: Enhance error when user not eligible for kScratch promo
- #13974: 3D carousel component, many errors when taking different actions
- #13961: Some mismatch between selected and show date for survey
- #13958: Add validation for review external memberships when no checkbox selected
- #13956: Promotion list pagination needed
- #13955: GW timeout error when create a lot of periods
- #13949: Change old modal to new kAlert for clear survey statictic
- #13882: Subscription page enhancements
- #13735: When adding new company via KCRM site possibility to create org with hyphen on front exists
- #12976: KQuiz: new app
Other changes: