- #14379: Streamline layout of SB detail page
- #14378: Solution builder: Show a task in progress modal
- #14376: "Create new solution" link should replace the "Create website" link on admin dash
- #14353: Update KRaffle so that it assigns the Cart Organisation similar to KCommerce2
- #14352: Improve layout of login as modal
- #14309: IDP action to record to data series
- #14307: Add audit link to the data series detail page
- #14295: Enhance KRaffle with Option to allow only 1 Prize Per User
- #14223: Visibility of the Membership ID somewhere
- #14222: Data records summary stats should not include data from deleted series
Bug fixes:
- #14381: HTML rendering throwing an exception due to dynamic image sizing
- #14367: Kraffle: does not work with org promo configuration
- #14366: When select org type filter and export orgs it transfers user to Query page
- #14365: Random RAFFLE award one per user mode awarded only 1 ticket instead of one per users participated
- #14362: Delete points allocation rule, change modal to KAlert
- #14361: Referral table component. header doesn't align
- #14360: Referrer Multi Function Component. Lack of edit some objects
- #14359: refereeAccept component. layout bugs fixing
- #14356: HTML should not be interprent on orders page
- #14351: Prize quantity placeholder contains "8" as an example - when you add 8 as quantity value error appears
- #14349: Log message about broken query when review leads list on admin
- #14348: Undefined error when you create new KFeedback survey and forgot to provide links
- #14346: Error when accessing video hits page
- #14340: Translations list should not show code when some field are blank
- #14338: Marketplace screenshots do not appear
- #14336: Platform: Generating perm cache doesn't add latest app blobs
- #14335: User points component not clickable but it appears should be
- #14334: Profile admin side image looks ugly if it's uploaded not as square
- #14332: Add success message after Data series deleted successfully
- #14331: Deletion confirmation modal for data series shows ID instead of name
- #14328: When export SalesDataSeries ID filter not being respected
- #14326: Certificate AWS deletion failed
- #14325: Platform: KademiAcquiredLicense and KademiSubscriptionResponse don't parse time, Only date
- #14322: IDP IP Lists. rules do not work
- #14320: Raffle random award does not write balance to audit
- #14319: Full transcript page - export does not work
- #14318: Full points transcript page - remaining points credits not clickable
- #14315: When using login as system creates two tokens, admin and frontend - on Logout frontend token being removed but admin one remains
- #14313: Error on quiz on docs site for finishing raffle module (click Submit)
- #14312: Pick winners page shows only lastly added group for user
- #14311: Several errors when load account usage page
- #14310: Kademi rego server throw Unauthorised access exception
- #14308: Lead title is overflow on the lead by stages component
- #14304: User must not allow to create the extra field with the same name as standard sales record's fields
- #14303: When orgID is long it cause tiles UI issue on manage user page
- #14287: HTML should not be interprent in admin breadcrumb
- #14285: Use certificate using old site window - change to kAlert
- #14281: Lead avatar looks ugly when using not a square image
- #14277: When drop Jumbotron in keditor and hit settings button - all component becomes black instantly
- #14269: Team org link to organisation manage page invalid
- #14266: Poor UI on manage user memberships page - X mis-sized to search field
- #14264: Possibility to enter admin domain which will not work in result
- #14249: MKV/3GP not supported on video upload
- #14244: Code appears when drop promotions table component on kEditor
- #14243: Add success certificate deletion msgBox
- #14241: Continue fixing ordering products with decimal quantity
- #14235: Stock location being multiplied on product details page
- #14209: Clicking show more on calendar cause visual issue
- #12636: Export translations to CSV should be async and background job
- #9236: datetime looks bad and paging issue on the specific query table
Security Updates:
- #14226: Platform: Update org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.24.1 to mitigate CVE-2022-30126
- #14225: Platform: Update org.json:json to at least version 20180130 to mitigate CWE-400
Other changes:
- #14377: Dashboard solution builder panel should just show link to SB page
- #14375: Solution builder for a blank website
- #14374: Admin mobile optimisations: Hide some toolbar elements
- #14350: Very SLow SQL when accessing lead page on KCRM
- #14327: Very slow SQL appears when accessing data series page
- #14314: [Documentation] Update KRaffle Tutorial with requirement of KProduct - p2
- #14289: wrong calc sum of duration time