- #15641: Remote Marketplace: Refactor RemoteMarketplaceProvider to not use XmlHttpRequest
- #15624: KConfirmDetails Enhancements
- #15617: Add an option to Delete pricing rules from ecommerce store
- #15615: Calendar event components editor preview doesnt show representative content
- #15605: Website activity page truncates paths when not needed
- #15604: Auctions management page enhancements
- #15547: Attach Lead File Journey Node Enhancements
- #15537: KCodes should be highlighted in ckeditor
- #15494: Improve quantity UX on ecomProduct component
- #14135: AWS Integration: Add Reachability validation and resend ability to Kademi
- #12556: Better error information for certificates
Bug fixes:
- #15651: kCom2 view product component shows stock ID instead of stock title
- #15644: When clicking Save Button, After Spinning Icon disappears original icon is not replaced
- #15643: ECom store submit button remains disabled
- #15636: Filter results dropdown being overlay by wishlist icons
- #15631: Survey results not being captured
- #15626: Scratch card reason display wrong
- #15625: Have Recognition Period Duplication set Midnight for Enddate instead of 11:59pm
- #15623: Org based points bucket gives error for points transaction component part 2
- #15620: Cant click website manager button on files page
- #15618: Group email limit is applied per batch instead of the entire job
- #15614: Exception when uploading image through KCRM comment
- #15612: JS error when click Submit button while page not fully loaded
- #15611: Image aspect ratio for cover for the card looks poor
- #15610: Code appears in scratch and win component
- #15603: When usual page goes after quiz, page is using quiz layout
- #15601: Testing invitation email for another recipient creates a duplicate account
- #15600: Cant create extra field on orgtype: NullPointerException
- #15598: Sales Data Visibility component test based on org sector (reported that it does not work) - p2
- #15597: Date range component felt to other component layout somehow
- #15596: Upcoming auction says OPEN
- #15595: Remote hash set problems - p4
- #15594: Checkout error - 'An unexpected error occurred - Format specifier '% o'
- #15593: Sales Data Visualisation component is not working on company page
- #15591: Upcoming events component doesnt show in-progress invent p2
- #15590: background job error CardFunding app
- #15588: Issues when move data series between categories
- #15587: Eligible Organisation setting on promotions not working
- #15586: Errors when uploading files and assets
- #15585: Theme isnt set when copying website with set hash
- #15584: Data series bulk feature does not respect team filter
- #15583: Arcanum: Not returning correct data from service - Missing rows and incorrect row numbers
- #15582: Arcanum claims - confirm details amount should be rounded
- #15581: Points leaderboard does not react on default time range
- #15579: Website does not have Email App as an option
- #15577: Contact Requests without an email address are not submitted/displayed
- #15573: Upcoming auction kEditor preview is bad
- #15569: All module statuses component shows links which leads to 404 not found when modules located on different website
- #15568: Some more dark theme issues in kCom2 app
- #15567: Country dropdown selector does not respect border radius param
- #15566: Should purchase order be available on frontend?
- #15565: When create quote from proposal it does not respect global quote number template
- #15564: View quote looks poor on dark theme
- #15563: Description field does not respect border radius param on payment item page - happens for product item only
- #15557: Dark theme - select some folder/file in kEditor UI bad - when highlighted text not readable
- #15552: Team selection component - p2
- #15549: No possibility to create automation
- #15548: Automation triggers list to be sorted
- #15541: 1 day date range not appears in component setting in kEditor
- #15535: Time picker not appear in module event modal
- #15531: kScratch: organisation not being added to order details when scratch card
- #15529: Game of chance: when create order it does not add user organisation in order details
- #15524: Some default images content not accessible
- #15510: CSV attendees export, lack of guests names
- #15466: Manual order creation does not take current user organisation
- #15456: Add default sorting to snapshots list page - should be by created date, recent on top
- #15452: View order component does not show tax
- #15450: Phone number not being passed from checkout form to Eway one
- #15433: Duplicated order does not have cart ID - might be related to cart id template feature
- #15429: Show kCode on profile page several errors
- #15425: Pending registrations component looks poor on mobile
- #15373: Node group goal has description field in JSON which is set and not being updated if you change group
- #15322: Split node - experiments are deprecated so should be removed
- #15315: Customers list falls to 504 GW timeout error
- #15313: Company list component - sort by country does not work
- #15086: Solution builder error due to kSecurePassword
- #15030: Error appears when enable CDN on website
- #14966: Recipients send email calculating issue
- #14920: Unsubscribed users appears on main active users list
- #14680: Region picker weird behavior and leaderboards component
- #12587: Error on calendar event edit page
Security Updates:
- #15642: Remote Marketplace: Refactor Client/Server to not use Bearer auth
- #13830: Platform Config: Create unique marketplace credentials for each cluster and remove default creds from property file
Other changes:
- #15441: Error when doing some purchase