- #15834: Add Auction KCodes
- #15816: Refactor auction closing process to handle bidders list efficiently
- #15815: DocuSign: Send Envelope trigger recipients role needs to be configurable
- #15814: Change list of email nodes in Automation to use the Node title where possible
- #15813: Update ecomCheckoutFormPointsOnly to default address to last submitted cart p2
- #15792: Add Journey automations for Auction Bit and Cart Checkout process
- #15790: KCRM Task Enhancements
- #15773: Improve ability to control session timeouts
- #15740: Add analytics to training results management page
- #15739: Create a QuizAnswer app indexer
- #15738: Create a QuizAttempt app indexer
- #15737: Update training results page to allow selecting organisation
- #15728: JS App - Update custom app logging to include app name
- #15607: Update options for ecomCheckoutFormPointsOnly in solution builders
- #14993: Platform: Store perm cache files on EFS instead of S3 to speed up boot time
- #13981: formatter.breakForeach() breaks all loops no matter how nested it is
- #13043: Enhance automation surveySubmittedGoal to have selection for specific Survey to react
Bug fixes:
- #15841: Error when render Team selector component
- #15831: Selected points balance calculation mode is ignored in PointsManager.processPointsRequest
- #15830: FunnelCache: Uses branch hash when adding/getting items from cache. This causes an issue if multiple funnels share the same hash
- #15827: Panel component layout woes
- #15826: KReporting: Users can download Export Job CSVs even if they didnt run the job
- #15824: Viewing Exported Jobs in the Browser, User can download the file for whatever Job ID is used even if its not theirs
- #15823: Double precision numbers causing exception in points calculation
- #15820: UK marketplace: docuSign app missed thumb
- #15812: OpenIDConnect Admin - If no referrer header is found it redirects to
instead of/
- #15810: Allow points transaction component to show credit points by points tags - p2a
- #15809: Allow points transaction component to show credit points by points tags - p2
- #15804: code appears on claim list page
- #15802: Difference between view of order on KCRM and on admin
- #15798: Recognition and rewards SB - after register user being redirected to login page
- #15797: Phonefy - ktheme issue - phone country selector
- #15793: Having a product with the same name as the store causes the view cart/continue shopping links to fail
- #15789: Flatly theme - close button on modals invisible
- #15788: Recognition and rewards SB - promotions were not created
- #15786: Claim list component does not respect claim ID template and claim type when submit more than one claim without refresh
- #15785: Search vouchers - admin - show vouchers from other orgs and leads to 404 error
- #15781: Survey creation/edition - no validation on Survey name field
- #15780: Issue with anonymous claim on claim form
- #15778: Platform: Central log in does not redirect user back to account if their profile is not a parent of the account
- #15775: Create new folder in upload site browser does not work
- #15774: Erroneous Second Points Tab on Profile causing Infinite Reload
- #15772: Typo in SB sales claim
- #15768: Usual user cannot enable 2FA for his profile
- #15767: Sales claim SB - theme issues
- #15766: Help page error link for 2FA setup on admin site
- #15765: Sales claim SB - error link
- #15763: KReferral - User not logged in after profile creation
- #15761: Dark theme - border radius param works weird
- #15756: kConfirm - when opt-ins eligible for several groups and user appears in both groups opt-ins duplicated
- #15754: kConfirm new page - bugs - p3
- #15753: Add link on kConfirm app website placeholder does not work
- #15752: mismatch between the data entered in admin claim form and in the claim
- #15721: JS error when submit attendance without selecting anything
- #15713: Exception when update memberships in OpenIDConnect
- #15647: Some thumbs for components missed from EDM editor
- #15629: Survey list shows ID instead Title
- #15542: Product add section do not allow decimals in lead details
Security Updates:
- #15736: CloudFront: Implement support for the True-Client-IP HTTP Header
Other changes: