- #16029: Cannot cancel background job of sync framework
- #16020: Adding link to a panel should make the entire panel clickable
- #16018: KCode to filter leads by specific journey
- #15997: Allow histogram chart component to show single series
- #15991: Lead stage KCode
- #15973: Add summary stats to elearning course and module management pages - part 2
- #15967: Layout tweaks to components for customer view of KCRM
- #15953: Training components: layout updates
- #15952: Panel component: no left margin on icon
- #15951: Lead Progress component updates
- #15933: Move admin website activity panels to components
- #15921: Update admin lead page to have similar functionality as KCRM
- #15919: Update admin leads page to support a leads by stage view
- #15917: Update to ES querying
- #15911: Configurable admin reporting dashboards
- #15897: Domains - Add ability to enable/disable transfer lock
- #15882: Make
as a service function - #15859: CRM/ERP sync framework
- #15855: OpenAI integration for text and image generation
- #15853: Add analytics to training results management page - part 2
- #15852: Enhance automation surveySubmittedGoal to have selection for specific Survey to react p2
- #15640: Document co-branding feature
Bug fixes:
- #16082: New index query builder periodically throws server error related to field
- #16064: OpenAI text generation issue
- #16055: Claim list component few things
- #16053: Delete claim item from claim form cause Submitting claim instead
- #16050: Learning module list component - grid view - resume button have same color as grid tile background
- #16045: Lead stage not getting set from on entered value
- #16042: SalesClaimBuilder reports Duplicate Sales Data when there isnt?
- #16041: Move to New Parent org uses admin domain not org ID
- #16039: Can't award points through admin buckets page
- #16038: View programs component images does not use alt formats which cause additional load
- #16036: KCRM: delete uploaded file cause whole page to be reloaded
- #16035: Move Points Bucket doesnt actually move any of the records
- #16034: Website stats - passwords - difference between website tiles and password reset page
- #16033: Website stats - bandwidth - difference between website tiles and website activity page
- #16032: Website stats - unauthorized tile - when on website page it shows 0, but when click through it shows some records
- #16030: Module list component - grid view numerous issues
- #16027: Course order not being saved
- #16026: Edit course does not work
- #16025: View modules component images does not use alt formats which cause additional load
- #16024: Courses list component shows code in kEditor when Reward points label not set
- #16023: Module list component - CPD option deselected but CPD is showing
- #16021: Manage website tiles not clickable
- #16019: Incorrect text wrappnig in panels
- #16017: Code appears when claim import did not import any claim
- #16015: claim form possible reward count which takes data from PAS appears to be same for each next claim item
- #16013: Issue when create recognition topic
- #16012: Success brand color change does not have influence on success color in kCommerce components
- #16009: kCode container visibility - some questions
- #16007: When create invoice from subscription invoice not appears in list without refresh
- #16003: User cannot be created in via Create Lead form due to organisation search issue
- #16001: 2d Carousel - when click Add thumbnail some inactive checkbox appears
- #15999: Change amount field on salesDataClaimer to double
- #15998: Selecting block text colour style always selects the inline text colour style instead
- #15995: 2D carousel component shows default content in KEditor
- #15993: Periods picker question
- #15992: KDocumentBranding - delete field does not work
- #15990: DocuSign: Not handling webhook correctly and bug with sending
- #15989: DocuSign - Error when validating incoming webhook
- #15985: Versions dropdown on login as admin screen from manage users does not work (UK)
- #15984: Meaningful error needed when user exceed limit for 255 chars for leads title
- #15982: Lead forms list component - hours columns should be right aligned
- #15977: Panel component link selector missed link browser option
- #15976: Panel component vertical alignment setting does nothing
- #15972: Limited user with Admin Viewer seeing Configurations screen and can review snapshots
- #15971: NPE when compare snapshots
- #15966: NullPointerException when creating a new learning course
- #15964: EDM preview 4 columns looks wrong
- #15963: Email tab title is wrong
- #15962: Some tasks issues
- #15959: Learning activity tab caused possible issues when no program created yet
- #15957: KCRM dropzone error
- #15956: Voucher Redemption component does not display any vouchers from voucher type that is on parent account
- #15954: When exporting Training Results, Training Data for Disabled Profiles is included but their Profile Names are not
- #15950: KCRM lead page not showing all members for assignment
- #15948: Container background colour settings for container content does not appear on setting sidebar
- #15947: Border color does not work in component settings
- #15946: Multiple background image issues
- #15942: kEditor missed thumbs for new some components
- #15940: modify existing KCode. Admin part
- #15939: Training analytics additional issues
- #15936: Update apps misbehavior on US/AU QA account
- #15935: Update libs error in test QA account on UK
- #15934: AdminViewer role does not have permission to view admin background jobs
- #15931: Solution builder - recognition leaderboards - mismatch between leaderboard and tile
- #15930: Solution builder - recognition leaderboards - dollar signs for points values
- #15928: Recognition and leaderboards SB start/finish dates for periods are 20:30 instead of midnight
- #15927: Export CSV for email history issue
- #15910: When Non-Live version of a website is set to Readonly it will try to use CDN if its enabled
- #15904: View claim component to have thousand separators
- #15885: View claim from claim list component do not show decimals of reward and invalid rounding
- #15884: Send email to specific user window UI issue
- #15871: Move to parent org option do not update users and groups to index
- #15870: dropdown ui issue on email summary tab
- #15867: CKEditor dialog's input text color on dark theme
- #15866: Enhance automation surveySubmittedGoal to have selection for specific Survey to react - no reaction on any survey completion
- #15864: Arcanum - toDate is not taking into account the provided Timezone
- #15862: possibility to create referrals with same name
- #15861: Panel possible issues
- #15846: Tagging claim component - past claims tab - throws error when user is not authorized
- #15844: kEditor - slider component throws JS error
- #15843: Solar theme - help text in kEditor looks bad
- #15817: SB - order summary component configuration needed
- #15800: Rewards store SB - content viewer role missed
- #15783: Card funding do not respect new cart template ID
- #15757: kConfirm - misalignment between label and checkbox+link for terms
Other changes:
- #15994: SalesForce CRM sync connector