- #16796: Website activity dashboard - Queries throw errors
- #16766: Create metric types for leads
- #16727: Index queries: Cannot delete a date histogram
- #16690: index queries: Refactor exports so doesnt require saving to the queries repository
- #16394: Add AWS certificate expiry date to show somewhere
- #16646: SalesDataRecord very slow SQL query
UI/UX Improvements:
- #16793: MDF UX - Product not in Store is not informed to the User
- #16792: MDF UX - "Not Configured Correctly" message is not informative
- #16791: UX Enhancement - Website Management
- #16789: Tutorial Usability - Button Appearance
- #16765: Horrible striping colour on kcodes list
- #16759: UX - Promotions Config
- #16755: Rearrange MDF Settings to be listed in order of relevancy
- #16754: eLearning - Rearrange Button Layout
Bug fixes:
- #16821: Salesforce: accessing a Salesforce sync job with invalid credentials causes a loop
- #16820: Groups named "Public" (global public group) are selectable for Promotion Eligibility
- #16814: Duplicated organisation was created from sync to SF and then in reverse direction
- #16807: DB sessions do not disconnect again
- #16806: A lot of errors on QA spotted
- #16800: Phoneify: When validating Phone Number, With an Extra Field called Country, validation can fail
- #16799: KJourney - Tasks - Ability to assign to group - p2
- #16798: kConfirm: update solution builder solutions with kConfirm to avoid appearance of modal for terms page
- #16794: QA is not working due to some kind of error
- #16784: Referral and commission - view website - refer do not have permission error
- #16782: Open view KCRM profile template - address field not showing on preview initially
- #16779: Weird background tasks appears in tasks history
- #16777: Recognition scanner process can't be killed from governor
- #16776: View marketing plan admin side: requested budget field should be added
- #16775: Error appears when approve MDF claim - says that budget exceeded, but it's not
- #16771: MDF plan create from admin: should be user selection to create plan/claim for user
- #16768: Create marketing plan component shows error
- #16764: ECommerce Checkout Rule Promotion Mechanic should link to checkout rules
- #16763: leadDetailContactTabContentComponent uninitialized proxy when updating Address with Nothing
- #16747: Sales manager create contact in rootorg when not specify organisation
- #16746: Admin lead and task assignment different behavior
- #16745: Sales manager user cannot open view/edit tasks which are not assigned to current user
- #16744: KCRM: interesting observation on task page
- #16740: SalesForce: oppurtunity lead cannot be synced from SF to Kademi due to missed campaign option
- #16737: View auction page image looks not centered or cropped
- #16731: Ensure that when showing assigned to lists in KCRM we are using role organisation hierarchy
- #16729: When delete chain cert list not reloading to reflect changes
- #16728: HS sync: need to filter out contacts that match group rules to sync from HS to Kademi
- #16708: SalesForce: duplicated user was created
- #16458: journey list page - paginator selector not in place
- #9118: Links from publish journey page leads to error page
- #5558: Manage ORGs page become broken when search string contains brackets