- #17684: Update salesLeaderboardWebComponent: Add option to filter on team
- #17680: Admin tool to run points expiration
- #17657: Asset list component updates
- #17652: KLeadman - Errors when creating leads with no customer profile
- #17627: KEditor: hide components with 'deprecated' in their description
- #17625: Remove "index query" components, use standard components instead
- #17623: Remove panel from histogram components
- #17612: Reporting: Date Histogram support for Index Queries
- #17611: Subscriptions: add "Partner Demo" invoicing method for subscriptions
- #17609: Disable KEditor Saving if Site is Readonly
- #17595: Reporting component problems
- #17593: UX - KEditor Improvement
- #17584: New journey automation action to insert a data series record
- #17583: New journey automation trigger for lead changed
- #17579: salesTable component updates
- #17570: Update to quote/invoice editing
- #17567: Training results page should only load tab content for the tab being viewed
- #17566: Update leads metrics to allow configurable field to match entities on
- #17564: Optimise asset redirects when using a CDN with public assets
- #17563: Optimise translations resource loading
- #17558: Add Filter Option for Journey on Task List Component
- #17499: AI: implement support for function calls
- #17428: Tool to run manual points reconcilation
- #17650: Moar SQL optimisations
- #17569: Slow SQL to investigate: Carts
- #17161: Website activity page inefficient when big page size selected
UI/UX Improvements:
- #17592: New eCard program should link to the promotion wizard with the type already selected
- #17581: Send Email Funnel Action: Check spam score Message
Bug fixes:
- #17682: Add team groups doesnt work
- #17679: Page size selector not in place on scratch cards page
- #17675: Pie chart component when select some query table - maximum call stack
- #17655: Group SMS Job - Fails to send due to no org being in context
- #17654: Create new deal reg form when customer field disabled does not work
- #17653: Reporting components - no preview in kEditor
- #17651: Referral create or acceptance does not check promotion status
- #17641: Referral create or acceptance does not check promotion active date
- #17639: Optimize some kEditor component thumbs - some thumbs are over 1MB and over 1000px wide
- #17635: Component description appears on frontend
- #17632: More update to kEditor components/containers filtering
- #17626: Cant upload *.ppt to KSupport
- #17620: Code appears in debug session
- #17614: User cannot change poll group visibility
- #17613: Error on checkout form
- #17604: add validation on entering only numeric digits on assessment review
- #17601: New entity icons cause weird font issue more places
- #17600: Sync job - when disabled scheduled task - it appears to be enabled and vice versa
- #17597: Course list component courses ordering does not respect admin side ordering
- #17590: Error occurs on setup partner group step. Deal registration SB
- #17589: Module ordering is not consistent to admin selected ordering
- #17578: Leads By Stage: When set to Individual User Filter, Leads Count is 0
- #17575: Filtering date range in the referrals list
- #17574: Missed translations: quantity and Select location on select product page - p2
- #17573: Missed translation: search kcom products - p2
- #17545: Some specific issue when auction using together with kCom
- #17543: Rewards page, image upload: images looks poor, aspect ratio is bad
- #17530: Period picker component shows only current periods if recognition topic is org based
- #17517: Translation missed: 2FA modal and messages on profile page
- #17516: Missed translation: no org found message in group application on profile page
- #17470: Auto Reconcilation not working, debits are not being linked to credits
- #17448: When promotion is org type based organisation not being passed to entries
- #17446: Can't delete container from promotion content to make it clear
- #17261: update your details profile component - allow Nickname and Phone fields to be optional
- #17257: Scratch and Win - system should not allow to create cards when SKU not exists
- #17089: SalesForce: from Kademi to SF - lead was not created for existed user - p2
Security Updates:
Other changes: