- #17841: Add Quantity criteria to product matching rule type
- #17840: Option to show commission on leadProducts component
- #17839: Remove "New proposal" button from leadQuotesComponent
- #17838: Ability to create a quote from Lead Products component
- #17837: Assets: ability to edit notes field on asset management page
- #17818: Table uploader for assets
- #17816: New app indexers for referrals
- #17808: Course status app indexer
- #17807: ES Metadata for elearning indexs
- #17806: Translations: Kreferral Multi function component
- #17793: Solution builder: Sales Claims recipe: task description bad for admin website
- #17790: Website products list and products page not working
- #17786: Update EDM table component to support index queries
- #17785: Add Submitter and Team Search to Claim List in Front End
- #17771: Index queries: for date histogram and aggregrations need to be able to choose count
- #17770: Date histogram component issues
- #17743: Refactoring KSurvey charts to use amcharts
- #17732: Index queries: smart field rendering
- #17731: Index queries: improve column selection UI
- #17685: AI: Function calls part 2
- #17673: Clients need ability to track and manage lead transitions
- #17561: Update Debug mode tool in KToolbar to start a debug session
UI/UX Improvements:
Bug fixes:
- #17830: Points transaction component: award/debit points leading to a blank screen
- #17829: KDocumentBranding: No Documents show if there are Included Selectors
- #17827: Task list component: exception when set to due tasks
- #17822: Points Administrator role does not provide READ or READ_CONTENT role
- #17821: Cant access Survey Summary in Front End if Permissions arent on rootorg
- #17820: KFTP is not closing FTP connections correctly
- #17814: An error shows in logs when viewing report dashboards
- #17813: invoice line items - line item name aligned to top while product items aligned to center
- #17811: When adding some table from Query to custom report dashboard it always shows "Query table" as a header
- #17810: Subscriptions add contacts modal not working
- #17804: Pie dynamic sizing issue when pie pieces are small
- #17801: When extra field is upload file one it does not show on frontend profile page
- #17797: When adding some bad sub-aggregation all other aggregations stops working
- #17794: kEditor categories duplicated
- #17787: Date histogram problem with agg selection
- #17784: Index query: histograms disappear after changing criteria
- #17783: Copilot gives weird answer on several good questions
- #17782: Copilot does not recognize page with debits
- #17780: Only one debit record connected to order no matter if there is more than one (from two buckets)
- #17778: Organisation admin user cannot delete company from companies page on KCRM
- #17776: EDM query single value component selector broken a bit (field in field)
- #17749: Custom report - when you edit/delete one query table component it will affect all components of same type
- #17744: pagination does not work on index query page on admin
- #17712: Remove comments from page template of all themes
- #17634: Parseerror when select any query table for data histogram component
- #17619: Error when upload file to invoice
- #17618: Auction bid error when trying to place lower than current bid - error need to be enhanced (previously was good)
- #17598: Bulk translate misses some labels.
- #17541: kQuiz: possibility to finish quiz correctly but do not click finish button which leads to impossible to gain points
Security Updates:
- #17828: Upgrade bouncycastle