- #17907: New query index for the referral index
- #17899: Translation Support Enhancements: Order Details and Referrals table
- #17897: Adjust Browse by Price/Points Macro in ecomSideBar to show ranges sanely compared to how many products
- #17877: Add Relevant Date Fields to Organisation Search Index
- #17876: Points Bucket Tab on Profile only shows 1000 Records with no Pagination
- #17846: Update SimplePointsRuleType to allow matching on a custom field
- #17845: Update CreateDataSeriesRecordGoalAction to have ability to set custom fields on data records
- #17844: CRM sync: add actions framework
- #17843: Remove multi-part setting for registerFormComponent
- #17836: KDocumentBranding: search functionality isnt user friendly
- #17826: AI: Function calls part 3
- #17791: KDocumentBranding - improve UX
- #17768: Terms aggregations need to be viewable as a table with queryTableComponent
- #17765: Create AI function calling to create a group email
- #17676: Browser/URL/Device pie components has no default content on kEditor
- #17673: Clients need ability to track and manage lead transitions
- #17879: Excessive threads used for XMLHttpRequest
- #17815: Check and adjust imagemagik memory usage configuration on servers
- #17325: Delete users via upload file super slow and kills worker server
- #16270: Signups page slow
UI/UX Improvements:
- #17909: Single value component: typo when using date comparison previous date interval setting
- #17875: Improve UI for adding items to an elearning module
- #17834: Assignment UX: Remove Lefthand Blurb
Bug fixes:
- #17930: Lead transitions details - some records contact shows as ID
- #17929: Lead transitions page - amount not changed after some action done
- #17928: Lead transitions page - pagination needed
- #17919: Manage survey page - small piece of code appears
- #17913: Date comparison parameter not showing in kEditor after save and refresh
- #17912: Omnisearch not working
- #17906: Custom query tables some fields not being interprented in CSV download
- #17903: Elearning issue - quiz not showing
- #17898: ELearning mistake adding to module header appears (123 added to name)
- #17896: Signup form, uploaded files go to nowhere
- #17889: Organisation and learner search inputs doesnt work on training results page
- #17888: If no FieldMeta, Previous Field Name is Duplicated on queryTableComponent
- #17883: Claim list component - issues
- #17880: Pie chart - no title appears
- #17868: payment item details component shows code in kEditor
- #17867: Edit invoice frontend - too much decimals appears
- #17859: Solution builder - sales claims recipe - task description bad for admin group which will participate admin portal
- #17857: Update Debug mode tool in KToolbar to start a debug session - p2
- #17853: jquery.forms plugin if allowPostForm is set to false, Submit Button never re-enables itself
- #17852: When submitting a claim, Fails to store attachment with Stream Closed
- #17851: User creating Task gets Null where another user with similar setup works fine
- #17850: Kcommerce2 - Points only checkout component balance & Navbar balance
- #17848: Copy referral button - on hover border radius disappears
- #17796: Website activity list - enhancements
- #17795: No possibility to assign more than one scratch card without refresh
- #17752: Calendar event attendees UI issue on page
- #17751: Support tickets - website placeholder for adding link does not work
- #17708: kLearning: assessment pending module workflow bad
- #17696: Pie component download CSV leads to 404 error
- #17695: Icon size tiny issue on signle values component - contains empty selection
- #17690: Pie chart component: error when select specific query table
- #17674: Redemptions by category - deprecate and instead have a standard query
- #17649: Multiplied success deletion messages on PAS
- #17642: Scratch card new promo URL typo
- #17602: Wrong format user + org data in auction bid history
- #17299: Submitted timesheet batches hours column alignment wrong
- #17201: Photo block component - issues with loading high mb images.
Security Updates:
- #17847: Deprecate grunt build system for admin assets