- #18284: Update JS Schedule framework to support parameterisation
- #18275: Update Kademi to support OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY
- #18249: KExecutiveSummary: improve formatting of support tasks in daily summary
- #18244: Support Unique Claim Fields at the Claim Level (Different from Item Level)
- #18243: Executive summaries: support email replies part 2
- #18242: Executive summaries: use ES field metadata
- #18219: Executive summaries: Integrate In-Reply-To and References email headers into email replies
- #18200: Option to disable the copilot chat
- #18175: Executive summaries: implement showChart function call
- #18147: Executive summaries - save specialist reports so the user can ask to see them through the AI
- #18104: Add Kcode link to button settings
- #18068: Executive summaries: implement anomaly detection
- #18060: New app indexer for Cart
- #17966: Executive summaries: implement predictions
- #17902: Update query table EDM component to have same options as frontend has
- #17687: Enhance points histogram to use query table and new histogram init method
- #17603: Scratch and win: list of cards - awarded to and awarded by should be links
- #17264: Payment manager list (quotes, invoices, POs) - add duplicate option to dropdown as well
- #18274: Possible SQL optimisation: EmailItem by job
- #18247: Possible SQL index needed for Unsubscribe table
UI/UX Improvements:
Bug fixes:
- #18262: Arcanum: Support all Extra Fields if they are returned in the Arcanum Result - p2
- #18258: Purchase orders: spelling error in messages
- #18238: Remove leftover debugging code from KFTP app
- #18236: Executive summaries: Error webhit metrics generating in a background task
- #18234: Kcode modal link is not displayed when creating a new referral program
- #18228: Integration Scheduler doesn't support hourly but this isn't clear in the UI
- #18227: Could not restore version on the edit page (ie defaultThemeTemplate.html)
- #18206: Copilot weird success message after award points
- #18195: Delta percentage from previous period does not work for points tiles on default dashboard
- #18187: Possibility to purchase to minus balance related to conflict orders submitting
- #18057: Module Filter Component - Doesnt update page when filter is applied
- #17950: Website Requests frontend - links wrong
- #17865: Recognition awarded level twice
- #17457: You've entered counter not updating when submit multiple entries without refresh
- #17398: KCRM contacts/leads/tasks page size selectors not in place
- #17345: Quiz history component - link wrong
- #17310: Leads in stages component has invalid thumb in kEditor
- #17293: Recent signups component registered date does not corresponds to TZ
- #17246: When using bulk asset uploading uploaded asset not appears in list without refresh
- #17237: Video asset details page - numeric columns should be right aligned
- #17216: Created card funding program timestamp seems not using correct timezone
- #17164: My rewards component shows promos from different websites which leads to errors for some promos
- #16973: Unsubscribes page does not respect common date time range
Security Updates:
- #18237: Dependabot alerts Oct 2023
Other changes:
- #18253: Update "Adding a MDF page to the website" documentation