
Blank 29/3/2018 05:54 - 29/3/2018 05:54
Blogs & Forums

Kademi's blog application can be used to create a collection of articles to display on your site, which can also be linked to your social media platforms.

Creating a blog

To get started, you will need to install the KBlogs application.

1 Find and install the KBlogs application in the website you will be creating your blog in.

2 Go to Content, then Blogs, and click Add new blog.

3 Enter a user friendly title and meaningful name for your blog, and select the website for your blog to be available on, then click Save.

4 Click Manage blog to configure the settings for the blog.

From here we can add Categories, Tags, and more.

5 Click Add new category, and enter a name for the category, then click Create category.

Repeat this process to create additional categories.

5 Click Add new tag, and enter a name for the tag, then click Create tag.

Repeat this process to create additional tags.

Creating an article

Now that our blog is configured, we can create a blog article.

1 On the blog management page, click Create new article.

2 Enter a meaningful name for the article, and click Create article.

3 Select a category for the article, add any relevant tags, and enter a brief description for the article, then Save the settings.

You can also select to make the article featured to display at the top of the list of articles.

4 On the Groups tab, you can select to make the article visible to certain Organisations, Groups, or Organisation types.

If you leave this blank, all site users with blog access will be able to view the article.

Access to blog articles is also controlled by group roles.

Users who should be able to view blog articles must have the Blog Reader role on the relevant website.

Group roles

For a refresher on groups and roles, please see the following tutorial:

Permissions and roles

5 On the Images tab, you can add images to display in the article. Alternatively you can add these images using KEditor when you create the article content.

Click Add and crop image, then upload, crop, and Save the image to display. You can select the orientation for the image to assist with cropping.

6 On the Files tab, you can add any relevant files that should be available for download from the article page.

Click Add file, then upload, name, and Save the file to include.

7 Save the blog article configuration by clicking Save changes.

8 On the Content tab, create the blog article content using KEditor, then Save the article.

Use containers and components to create the articles, in the same way that you would create an email or a web page.

Using KEditor

For a refresher on using KEditor, see the following tutorial:

Editing web pages

9 You can see what the article will look like on your site by clicking Preview.

Publishing an article

Once your blog content is created and saved, and you are happy with the preview, the article can be published.

1 Click Submit for approval.

2 From the General tab, you can then choose to Publish or Reject the article.

This multi level approval allows the article to be reviewed before publishing, i.e. for a different user to review and publish articles than the creator of the articles.

After clicking Publish, you will have the option to set a date for the article to be made available on the site.

This can be useful if you are creating a number of articles at the same time but want them to be released at different times, e.g. throughout the month.

3 Click Publish for the article to be made available immediately, or on the embargo date.

View your website as a test user in a group with the Blog Reader permission, and a Blogs menu item should have been added by default.

Click through to the Blogs page to view the article.

The appearance of the Blog overview page and Blog article pages are defined by templates.

These templates can be edited by going to Content, then Edit web pages, and editing the viewBlogs and viewBlogArticle templates.

Duplicating content

If you need to duplicate a blog, including its articles, or copy it to another website, you can do this from the blog management page.

1 On the blog management page, click the dropdown next to your blog name and click Copy to another website.

2 Enter a name for the blog to be called on the new site, and select another website in the account to copy the blog to, or enter details for a website in a different account to copy the blog to, and click Copy.

3 This will copy the blog and all articles to the new website.

Linking to social media

Your blog can be linked to a social media account, e.g. Facebook or Twitter, to post the article on social media when it is published on your website.

1 Install KSocialLogin in the relevant website.

2 Go to Website Manager, then Social Login, and add a new Poster.

This could be Facebook, or another social media platform.

3 Click the Edit icon, and enter the Page ID of the Facebook page to post the articles to.

4 Click Connect with Facebook, which will authorise that you are an administrator of the Facebook page.

When you publish an article, you will now have the option to publish it to the social media platforms you have integrated with.

Kademi solution

The blog application is used in the Nurture journey solution builder to manage a series of articles which are sent to customers.

To learn more about using blogs in the context of a solution, view the module here:

How to add articles