eLearning Components for a Reporting Dashboard

Blank 14/9/2022 07:34 - 14/9/2022 07:34


For Getting Started on building a reporting dashboard we recommend our indepth tutorial here: https://docs.kademi.co/programs/sifundamentals/sifp3/sifp35/poverview.html

This Blog Post is designed to offer some insight into the learning components you can add to your Reporting Dashboard that you've made in the tutorial along with various filters that are useful for changing what information is to be displayed.


The following screenshot is what we hope to achieve with this Blog Post with an existing understanding of making a basic reporting dashboard as per our tutorial above




Reporting Components to use on your dashboard

Learning Histogram Component (#1 in our Screenshot)

This Component is used to show the History of Learning Activity for a set of users over a period of time.

Similar to the previous component, it has component Settings to filter a specific Org Type

This is what it looks like in action:



You can find it in KEditor by searching for the following:



Learning Activity Pie Chart (#2 in our screenshot)

The Learning Activity Pie Chart will show our learning data in the form of a Pie Chart, Good for getting a look at how the data compares to everything else as a percentage

This is what it looks like in action


You can find it here in the KEditor by searching the following:


The settings for the Pie Chart include setting the Panel Title and having the title for the Pie Chart link to another relevant page of your choice.





Single Value Component (#3 in our screenshot)

This Component is used to display values from Metrics. Metrics are used to calculate a value for participants, and is a directly calculated number, e.g. number or active users or eLearning modules completed.

These components are useful for displaying quick metrics and statistics at a glance.


For the metrics you will want to head over to your Queries Page by going over to the Data tab and clicking on Queries.


Scroll all the way to the bottom of that page and click New Metric.


Here are a couple of simple metrics that might be useful for your reporting dashboard and the ones we will be using for this tutorial: Active Users, Number of modules completed, Number of active users & Number of signups and registrations.

Give your metric a meaningful name and then click on Create metric. 


For the first step, you can simply click on next for all the metrics we are using:


For the active users and recent signup metrics, you'll be prompted to select a group. This gives you control over the group that the metric will be calculated from. For this tutorial, we've selected our learners group.


For this step, you can configure an icon and the number of decimal places. 

undefinedAfter that click on Finished and you will created your metric.


For more specific information on setting up Metrics, see our documentation here:

Setting up a Pre-Existing Metric: https://docs.kademi.co/programs/sifundamentals/sifp5/sifp5-010/pcreating-a-metric.html

Creating your own Custom Metric type: https://docs.kademi.co/programs/dev/d4/r04/pintroduction-to-developing-metrics.html

Now, we will go through a quick process of how to setup these components

For this tutorial we will be using the active user metrics that we had set up earlier.


You can find it in KEditor by searching for the following:

If we drop in the component and check out its settings we can see a few different options


2. Query Type - For this blog post we will be using metric for our query type.

3. The Metric to use - This is a dropdown of all the Metrics for you to pull the single value from. We'll be using the active users metric we set up before.

4. Label - This will put a nice label under the value on the screen such as "My Active Users".

The rest of the settings are mostly just styling settings, Play with them as you please.


Learning Leaderboard (#4 in our Screenshot)

This Component shows the Leaderboard statistics for who has completed and started the most Learning Modules within the given filters.

With the component settings you can filter to only display data from a specific org type.

This is what it would look like in action:


You can find it in KEditor by searching for the following:






Module Progress Component (#5 in our Screenshot)

This Component shows the current progress on Learning Modules for users.

With various component settings to filter on specific eLearning Modules and their current status.

This is what it looks like in action:



You can find it in KEditor by searching for the following:





Components for your Lead Profile/Org Pages

This is a Template Page for the current profile for Lead Information, You can also view various information about the profile here using different components. 

This is what the Lead Profile Page looks like:


And you can find it here from the Website Manager.undefined

Clicking this will take you to the KEditor page for the Lead Profile Page Template where you can add the Training Results Component.


Training Results Component

If you use this component on another page it will only show the training results for the logged in user instead of the Lead Profile User.

If you use it on a Lead Organisation Page it will show the training data for all users in that Organisation.

On the live site this will show a list of training results for the given user such as below:


You can find it in KEditor by searching for the following:


Organisation Learning Activity Component

We also have a specific learning component for if you are on an Organisation Lead Page. 

We can find the template from the website manager here:


We can drop in an Organisation Learning Activity Component that looks like this in action:


This will give us an overview of staff members in the organisation and what their Learning Statistics look like


You can find this component in KEditor by searching up the following:


We will now go over the various Filtering Components that we offer to allow you to filter the different components by Date, Organisation, Group and Learning Module


Filtering Components

These are components you can add to your dashboard page for filtering reporting components to get data about specific Groups, Organisations, Courses and even at a certain time of year.

This lets you see only the data you want to see instead of having to scroll through thousands of records which are of no use to you.

Org Selector Component (#6 in our screenshot)

This component lets you select an organisation from a list for filtering between various components. This will let you see child organisations of a currently selected parent letting you move through the hierarchy.

This is what it will look like in action:


You can find it in the KEditor by searching for the following: 




Using this Component you can filter the various reporting components by Organisation.


If we select our Organisation called "Region 2" and then look at our Learning Leaderboard



We can see the learning leaderboard stats for all the Organisations in and under that Organisation in the Hierarchy. If we then select a different organisation





You can see now after we changed the Org to filter on we now have a bunch of different data displayed in the Learning Leaderboard.

Group Selector Component (#7 in our screenshot)

This Component will let you select a group from a list for filtering various components that use groups.

This is what the Group Filter Component might look like in action:


You can find it in KEditor by searching for the following:

undefinedUsing this component we can show a list of groups that we want to filter by. We can set up which groups to show easily by heading over to the Groups page on our Admin Dashboard and creating a new folder.

Once we've created our folder we can just drag and drop groups we want to filter on into that folder.


Then nn the Component Settings in the KEditor for the group selector component, we can select the Group folder we set up earlier.


Every group in the selected folder will appear in the dropdown selector for filtering on like so:


From here using one of the Reporting Components we can show the Analytics for the given group such as for Learning Modules that have been started and completed over a period of time (Using the Date Time Picker which we will go into next)

If we select one of our groups, You can see how the learning histogram changes what data is displayed compared to having no filter like below




As you can see in the above two screenshots, when we change the Group being filtered on, the data in the Reporting Component that is changed accordingly.


Now we will take a look at the Date Time Picker


Module Filter Component (#8 in our screenshot)

The component lets you filter learning components by a selected Course, Program or Module to see stats about just those specific courses.

And it will look something like this in action.


You can find this in the KEditor Component Search like this:


By selecting a Given Course we can filter our components like so:



If we filter by the antherCourse Courses then we will see only the antherCourse Courses in the Components Table

If we then instead filter by Testers Courses then we will only see the Testers Courses in the Components Table



Date Time Picker Component (#9 in our screenshot)

This component will let you pick a start and end date for a range when filtering various components.

This is what the Date Time Picker Components looks like in action:


You can find it in the KEditor by searching for the following:



From here we can select a range of dates to filter the various Reporting Components by. For example, if we selected 10 years ago, we can see how that affects the reporting components below



Compared to if we select a 1 Month Date Range:

