- #13854: Fix ecom cart form initialisation part 2
- #13804: Email component that shows user module statuses
- #13779: New feature to delete all matched claims
- #13711: Admin feature to delete an account
- #13410: Extension of claim stats reporting component
Bug fixes:
- #13849: Certificates component - hover timestamp looks bad format
- #13848: Update old site message to kAlert when delete auction org enrollment
- #13846: HTML should not be interprented on GoC/promo summary due to org
- #13845: HTML should not be interprented on GoC/promo page
- #13843: Notification page hover timestamp incorrect format
- #13841: Data series extra field ordering is changed after update
- #13836: Some KCode for claim fields are missed when the account have more than 10 claim types
- #13835: When claim profile is disabled, Claimed by is empty
- #13834: Websocket timeout is 1 minute so after 1 minute auction bid change will not appear
- #13833: Websocket does not have influence on you have been outbid badge
- #13832: You have been outbid badge not being removed instantly once you place a higher bid
- #13829: Issue with Less file and font
- #13828: Change old site message to new kAlert for delete claim items from claim form
- #13827: Interesting links on comments tab for manage users
- #13826: Update old site message to new kAlert when delete module enrollment
- #13825: Notifications page timestamps relative date invalid to selected locale
- #13823: HTML should not be interprent issue for case when HTML appears in parent/child org
- #13820: Exception thrown: com.thoughtworks.xstream.security.ForbiddenClassException
- #13819: Leads list page without param throws JS error which blocks other control functions
- #13818: Last comms column empty in ubsubscribers list - both table and export
- #13817: From website column in unsubscribers list export always empty
- #13816: Forum list query table throw error
- #13813: kCom orders period query tables throw errors
- #13811: Reward promotions query table shows error
- #13809: Delete automation change old site message to kAlert
- #13808: OrgIDs query table does not use pagination well and interprent HTML inside
- #13807: Password reset query table issues
- #13805: Kcard types query table has an empty column
- #13801: kEditor experiment select issue
- #13800: Query table shows no data, but export does
- #13799: WebSocket connection cannot establish in a website which has custom domain
- #13798: HTML should not be interprented on claims list
- #13797: Coming up auction component image left aligned, should be centered
- #13796: When bid placed current bid should be changed as well
- #13795: Request cert from AWS update old site message to kAlert
- #13794: Force update cloudfront status - update old site alert to new kAlert
- #13792: Code appears on manage order page for points record reason
- #13790: Forum manager does not allow to create/delete new forum
- #13789: Video upload behaviour - p2
- #13788: kcommerce current orders query table different from what is shown in CSV - broken at all
- #13786: Intergrate KGameOfChance to promotions builder - p3
- #13785: Delete invoice does not work on KCRM - p2 - sales role
- #13784: Stakeoverflow error on solution builder
- #13783: Accept invitation - focus on input when accept invitation with 2FA - p2
- #13780: Aution bid form should be updated immediately when new bid is placed
- #13772: HTML should not be interprented on manage points list page
- #13771: HTML should not be interprented on manage points record page
- #13770: HTML should not be interpented on manage ors points page
- #13769: HTML should not be interprented on manage sales records list
- #13730: HTML should not be interprent on orgs list and manage users
- #13720: Worldpay: payment transaction address details shows as undefined
- #13719: Payment transaction details - cart ID line empty
- #13560: While installing app messages often being doubled
- #13495: Invitations list few issues
- #13491: Download CSV for unsubscribers does not work
- #13124: View certificates component shows nothing
Other changes: