- #13951: Platform: Add a screen to view all active collaborator access for profiles
- #13939: Remove option for script based PAS's, if not currently being used
- #13930: Update the group selection on the survery detail page
- #13924: Update group selector to new one in scheduled emails
- #13920: Lead extra fields kcode v2 should be created
- #13905: Add new question type of Organisation select to survey question types
- #13903: Allows a user to submit a survey more than once
- #13895: Search db record by its id prefix
- #13885: Pending membership applications is capped at 100 requests
- #13883: Memberships page enhancements - part 2
- #13868: KRaffle - Randomized Winners Workflow
- #13859: Forum comments do not appear on manage user tabs
- #12407: Create a trigger to react of 2FA enable for customers to incentive them to do that
- #11745: Extend platform to allow creating standard PAS rule in app level
- #11734: Create PAS rule for category multiplier
- #8531: Update member importer to use import wizard UI
Bug fixes:
- #13971: Websites page template does not work
- #13969: 3D Carousel component does not display any images
- #13968: Invoice PDF does not have invoice status
- #13967: Create partner lead form - part 2
- #13965: standard error message for incorrect input parameters Emails/SMS
- #13964: Login to Xero does not work for me
- #13959: Review external access page - when delete membership it does not appear in timeline
- #13957: Typo in GA app settings
- #13948: Delete scheduled email modal shows ID instead of name
- #13947: KRecognition - maxClauseCount error on reporting charts
- #13946: Very slow SQL when upload membership with group goal journey
- #13945: PaymentItemDetail component UI issue
- #13944: Add thousands separator to level progress horizontal component
- #13943: Horizontal level progress component - help text misaligned
- #13936: Update memberships - performance
- #13935: Org type name display amp code instead of ampersand in case if ampersand added by edit name from manage type page
- #13934: Scheduled email title validation different rules for creation and edition
- #13933: When delete scheduled job success message being doubled
- #13932: Add group button is duplicated on auction detail page
- #13923: No success message when you created new scheduled email
- #13922: Query table ClaimsOverTime shows 0 for each period
- #13921: Insert kcode modal resize issue
- #13918: Exception in logs when open user profile page
- #13916: Error show when user click to send test email on scheduled email
- #13914: Clicking on the "content name" on the Moderate Posts page does not log you in.
- #13912: Survey upload image does not use anywhere
- #13911: Countdown component does not work on frontend - always shows zeroes
- #13910: User public profile - label is not full width
- #13909: tableClaimsOverTime timestamp wrong format
- #13908: Countdown component is not showing correctly on KEditor
- #13907: Module Toolbar - left and right align not working
- #13906: PaymentItemDetail component setting issue
- #13901: Input too large error on queries page - p2
- #13900: CPD param in kEditor looks different from other menu values
- #13899: Modules List - When CPD or point is empty dont show tiny white box
- #13897: Auctions page - long title make it broken
- #13896: Blogs detail should show image full height as default
- #13892: Product order KCRM - change old site message to new kAlert
- #13891: Order date should show time ago instead of date time
- #13890: Product order component in KCRM - Prob occurred when installed Kcom together so it called a reload fragment that loads wrong data
- #13889: kblog thumbnail text moved to the top
- #13888: Inventory location products list shows nothing
- #13886: Add new license modal - date picker show behind the backdrop
- #13880: Small UI on signup form
- #13810: Entity addresses + reward entries + points debits link + sales claims query table pagination does not work
- #13705: InvoicePayment - does not use invoice number format
- #13672: Better error for user not eligible to receive badge
- #13665: Org type code validation missed on manage org type page
- #13620: Manage alt formats when type not selected cause code to appear
- #13617: Upload receipt does not work when add/edit claim in review claims component
- #13539: View posts now shows html code after added CKEditor for posts and comments
- #12976: KQuiz: new app
- #12837: kCom when selected to place order in data series - sales team param not being passed
- #10818: KCRM To param looks bad - when email received from client
- #10210: When disable user (manual or bulk) leads should be paused
- #9457: Countdown does not work with US time format
Security Updates:
- #13928: Platform - Update Antisamy to mitigate CVE-2022-29577 & CVE-2022-28367
- #13915: Platform - Upgrade Java to 11.0.15 to mitigate CVE-2022-21449
- #13913: Platform - Upgrade AWS ELB to AWS ALB to deprecate TLS 1.1 and support Websockets
Other changes:
- #13970: KCRM menu issue
- #13953: Platform: Remove Zopim from source code
- #13931: Cannot update the app in the account which has enable rewardStore app
- #13902: Account deletion errors, part 2
- #13893: Quick add contact to subscription feature
- #13887: Products order KCRM component - save throws error Invalid request