- #14830: Update category filter on find component modal to selectpicker
- #14828: Xero invoicing: Kademi payments must be handled as line items in Xero with negative amounts
- #14819: Auto-Select account and tax rate codes when sending Kademi invoices to Xero
- #14811: Add the ability to delete a receipt image from claim
- #14806: Ability to delete payments from invoices
- #14802: Featured promotions
- #14800: Update manageSalesDataSeries.html to use kselect
- #14788: Update recognition topic management page to use kselect
- #14787: Performance optimisations and improvements to profiling
- #14781: KRaffle - Increase the Limit to 500 Tickets per Participant
- #14773: Optimise finding profiles in
- #14772: Optimise JourneyAutomations query
- #14770: Update website activity page to use client side timeago
- #14769: Update points bucket group selector to a new one
- #14757: Allow user to upload multiple receipts on claim form
- #14754: New Export All Awards for All Topics feature for Recognition Page
- #14728: Change org edit page to use plus symbol for adding orgtypes
- #14678: KCriteria Page like Search Indexes for Admin
- #14572: Refactor languages/translations pages
Bug fixes:
- #14853: Sales claim tab on manage user shows nothing
- #14844: Email forwarder - remove using old modal
- #14843: Dedupe orgs page - make date to be common like - relative with exact on hover
- #14842: Dedupe orgs page - UI - add some space between lines
- #14841: People attending page - remove user using old modal
- #14837: Quiz detail table doesn't show quiz information
- #14836: PAS delete modal shows ID instead of name
- #14833: Org type list in promotion wizard not sorted
- #14831: old link appears in PAS history which leads to sales records
- #14829: Remove excessive logging
- #14826: Cannot rename file in repository
- #14825: JS error on Kademi solution builder
- #14824: Promo entries components missed thumbs in keditor
- #14823: Delete organisations with Uploader cause NPE (batch 50+)
- #14822: When organisation uploaded and has no sales data inside sales records tile looks poor
- #14821: User account which is parent (root) to account is not give enough permission to login
- #14816: Points debit from KCommerce2 has wrong reason text
- #14815: Add group to points bucket does not work
- #14812: prod Kademi site - recognition leaderboards solution builder does not work
- #14810: Create contact pages link to 404
- #14809: Custom fields for payment items should have validation on field ID
- #14808: Payment item extra fields do not save values
- #14805: Creating Xero invoice from a paid kademi invoice still have status not paid in Xero
- #14801: When trying to do useRecords for contactRequestField Criteria Table, Completely Breaks
- #14798: Invalid tip message appears when you try to change group for user
- #14797: Update user membership - dynamic groups should not appear in list
- #14796: promotion manager delete confirm message text appears common to plural - should be for singular case as well
- #14795: Couldn't download receipt from manage claim
- #14794: Unsubscribes - Delete assets messages always show in plural
- #14793: manageContacts - Delete assets messages always show in plural
- #14792: Proposals - Delete assets messages always show in plural
- #14791: Error in solution builder (recognition leaderboards)
- #14786: problem with points tab for manage user page
- #14785: Sale date does not corresponds to sale record
- #14784: Date picker subscriptions stay behind modal
- #14783: Image profile - update photo on manage user page is looks poor
- #14782: Recognition badge cannot be deleted, even the badge rewards are removed
- #14779: Add some limit to field name/id for group extra field
- #14778: Non-periodic recognition eligibility issue
- #14777: When SKU not created - eye button leads to empty page
- #14776: Show PAS on sales series page does not work
- #14775: No Kalert modal when delete group from points bucket settings
- #14774: Problem with KCommerce2 checkout when user has multiple points buckets and one is at zero points
- #14767: KRedirect delete redirect change to the new modal
- #14765: Add organisation type success message shows org type ID instead name
- #14764: Save PAS - NPE when reward is set to None
- #14763: New PAS - reward shows as ID not as Name
- #14762: Show PAS links on the sales data series list page - deleted PAS should not appear
- #14761: rewards-lib: admin entry list uses parameters directly
- #14760: Small fixes on quiz submission page
- #14759: Delete assets messages always show in plural - should be singular mode if one asset deleted - p2
- #14758: Version picker on e-learning pages work incorrectly
- #14752: Add/remove for team member roles, doesn't search by ID's
- #14751: Journeys list page few things
- #14750: When delete 1 lead from journeys page it uses plural form
- #14749: Current on track level progress component - touching setting cause component circle to disappear
- #14747: Expected reward amount symbol not showing in current level component
- #14746: Projected level result always say None in level progress component
- #14745: Recognition Awards Uploader. Wrong statistics of created/updated
- #14742: Integration logs using only plural in modal window
- #14741: Error when installing a solution
- #14720: Delete records in bulk - two file uploads without reset do not allowed
- #14711: Update mapping for Scratch programs should be background task
- #14700: Thumbnail photo shows as broken image icon on the frontend promo creation
- #14694: Bootstrap theme - UI issue on manage payment item entity
- #14674: Deleted groups should not appear in Group signups report
- #14668: Recurring transaction period - decimal allowed
- #14660: Blog article published - possibility to delete image or file
- #14646: task completion/cancellation buttons do not work
- #14622: Copy members from Dynamic group does not work
- #14575: Promo manager frontend - form based promo - on the end possibility to open edit winner announcement message does not work
- #14501: Gateway timeout when clear history for Data series
- #14482: Data series category - possibility to rename category to already existed category name
- #14472: Add inventory item timestamp log only date instead datetime
- #14456: There is no validation on lead custom field ID
- #14368: When upload video some video formats not falls into custom files filter
- #14217: edit deleted series record shows 404 error
- #13226: When adding video in keditor video preview goes out of container
Security Updates:
- #14524: Remove orgs geo location feature
Other changes: