- #16648: Email item detail page for emails sent by journeys should provide a link to the journey and lead
- #16636: Enhance lead for customer component
- #16608: Create KCodes for aggregated lead amounts
- #16606: Integrate scheduled emails with promotions
- #16605: Merge Tool 2.0 - Upload CSV to Merge Orgs Together
- #16592: MDF frontend components - add submitter column to plans list and claims list
- #16576: KHelpbot: Add ability to count tokens and trim chat history accordingly. If the message sent by the user exceeds the max tokens allowed. Show a message
- #16540: Video usage tracking
- #16444: Add theme support to icons
- #16252: KDocumentBranding: Allow multiple versions of each template per user
- #16251: Create components and reporting dashboard for points
- #16641: Poor performance on KCRM page with some lead stage component and tasks
- #16627: Recognition scanning optimisations
Bug fixes:
- #16661: Sales incentive page - reset matched does not respect participant filter
- #16654: Instant error when accessing admin dashboard
- #16653: Admin omnisearch doesnt find users by first and last name
- #16652: Users with SalesClaimAdmin role cannot view any claim attachments on the admin claims page
- #16647: kpiLeaderboardEDMRecogComponent: there should be an option to hide other participant names
- #16645: Sales claim processed goal doesnt work when its the first goal in a journey
- #16644: Add content and pics for two new SBs
- #16630: Create new scheduled email cause error NULL page to appear
- #16628: Commission and referral solution template - p3
- #16626: Training and Enablement solution - p2
- #16617: Rejected claim date kcode return UTC date instead of account based
- #16616: KReferral journey nodes settings not getting the correct program id
- #16613: Hubspot - bi-dir sync - from Kademi to HS - issues
- #16611: OpenAi: Blogs does not support text and image generation
- #16594: Comission and referral SB - error when install express
- #16583: receipt is replaced instead of uploading the second one when edit claim
- #16579: Lead progress component should have placeholder content
- #16506: Support Translations on JS Generated Messages
- #16452: Arcanum: Invoice being scanned twice per upload