Adding products to a store

Blank 1/5/2023 14:08 - 1/5/2023 14:08
Incentives eCommerce

When a product is created in your library, this doesn't automatically add it to a store, because you may have multiple stores in your account, or certain products that shouldn't be available in stores.

Below we will take a look at how to add existing products in a library, to a store.

To learn how to create products, view the product management tutorial here.

1 Go to Products & Stores, then eCommerce Stores, and click the settings icon next to the store to add the products to.

2 Click the Add button.

From here, products can be selected to be added to the eCommerce store.

In some cases you may have a product library in a parent account, which will provide the products to be added into the store in the current account. If this is the case, the parent account can be selected from the Library drop down, which will pull the products through from the parent account.

3 Tick to select the products to add.

4 Click Add selected.

5 Click OK to confirm.

6 Click Manage eCommerce store to go back to the store overview page.

7 The added products will then be displayed in the store product list.

To see the products in the eCommerce store on your website, click View

The products will be displayed in the store.

If products need to be removed from a store for any reason, tick next to a product, and click Remove selected.

This will not delete the product, it will simply remove it from the store.