Components and containers in KEditor

Blank 19/4/2023 11:23 - 19/4/2023 11:23
Editing Content Fundamentals

Web pages in Kademi can be edited using KEditor, a user friendly drag and drop editor.

To edit web pages, go to Content, then Edit web pages.

If you are editing a Live site, make sure you create a non-live version to make the changes in.

To open KEditor, click the edit icon next to a Web Page, or click the link next to a Template.

Web Pages vs Templates

When you create a website in Kademi, a selection of out of the box templates are made available to you. As you install new applications in your website, the relevant templates will be made available. These templates can be edited using KEditor, where their layout and content can be customised to suit your requirements. All other site pages are displayed under Web pages, including those created by you.

In KEditor, pages are made up of Containers and Components.

Containers are used to structure the layout of pages, and components are placed within them, providing text, images, data, and more.

To add a container, click the + icon.

A range of containers and components are displayed to select from. Some of these are a combination of a container and components within them, e.g. the 1 column with default content option. Others are just the container, with different styles of columns available.

Click on a container to add it to the page.

After adding a container, the settings for the container can be edited, including who should be able to see the content in the container, background colours/images, padding, and more.

The Container settings are located to the left of a container. Click within a Container to bring up the settings.

To add a component, click the + icon within a container. Components need to be added within containers.
The available containers and components can be filtered by category or search to make it easier to find the component you are looking for, or you can scroll down to view all the available components.

The components available in this list will be dependent on the applications you have installed in the website you are editing.

Click on a component to add it to the page.

After adding a component, the settings for the component can be edited. These settings will be specific to the component being edited.

The Component settings are located along the top of the Component.

After making changes with KEditor, you can save the updates by clicking the Save icon.

If this is not visible, you may need to click outside of the component you were editing.

The KEditor tab can then be closed.

Remember to test your updates, and if you are editing a Live site, publish the version you were working on.