How to suppress KConfirmDetails Popup on your pages

Blank 6/4/2023 10:07 - 6/4/2023 10:07
User Management Website Management

How to suppress KConfirmDetails Popup on Different Pages


Normally when you are using the KConfirmDetails App your users will see a popup on almost every page until they confirm their details using the popup.

There may be certain pages such as the Terms and Conditions page where you dont want to show the popup.

We have a new setting in KConfirmDetails that lets you specify pages to suppress via their Page URL.


If you come over to the settings for KConfirmDetails for a specific website you will see a new setting at the top for suppressing the popup on pages.

To supress a page, you will need the page name from the URL. 


You would add "/dashboard" to the list of Suppressed Pages so when you go to the dashboard the popup will not appear.

Another example is

If you add "/terms.html" to the list of suppressed pages the popup wont appear on that page either.


If you are on a page that is not suppressed the popup will appear as normal (If it is not explicitly blocked like on the Profile or Password Reset Pages).


Otherwise if you are on a suppressed page that popup will not appear.


That is pretty much it. If you want assistance on further setting up KConfirmDetails we have a tutorial for that here: