Managing website access

Blank 2/5/2023 14:12 - 2/5/2023 14:12
User Management Website Management Security

It is important for the correct users to have access to your websites in Kademi. Access can be restricted for groups with website access, which is additional to permissions - these still need to be set up for each group.

When using the 'Login as' feature, you will only be able to log in as a user if they are part of a group with access to the relevant website.

To set up website access for a group, go to Website Manager, then Websites, and open the settings for the site that the group should have access to.

Select the users tab.

Click on the Select a group drop down, and select the group that should have access to the website.

This will add website access for the group.

Websites that a group has access to are also displayed on the group detail page.

Go to Groups & Users, then Groups, and open the settings for the relevant group.

Websites that the group has access to will be displayed in the Website access panel.