On Module Passed Automation Trigger

Blank 18/8/2022 14:22 - 18/8/2022 14:22

Reward Users only when a Module is Completed and Passed


With eLearning modules it is possible to give out rewards to the user when they complete a Module, but with the standard functionality it doesnt matter if they passed all the Quizes or not.

Using an automation trigger we can check if the module is completed and also if any Quizzes that exist all meet their pass marks.

For this we will head over to the Journey Designer and create a new journey with just a begin node.


After you have done that head over to the Automations Page, Click on Create Automation, Choose the Trigger Event Dropdown and Select the on module pass option.


After that select the Trigger Action dropdown and select Award Points.


Once all that is done click create. You will then see your Automation, click on the Edit Button as shown in the screenshot below.



From here you want to grab the Program Code, Course Code and Module Code for the given learning module that you want to award points for from the Details Page for the given Learning Module


Click on the Gear Icon for the Module and click on Manage Module


From there you can get the Course Code, Program Code and Module Code, The quickest way to do that is to look at your Website URL address bar in the web browser.


You will see your website address bar look something like


The 3 parts after "programs" are the Program Code, Course Code and Module Code in that Order as they will be picked up by the system.


Coming back to our Automation Details Page

This is where we will put the module code, course code and program code.

Also select the Appropriate Website where the Learning Module takes place.


From there on the right hand side you will also select a Points Bucket and how many points to award when the Module is all Passed and Completed by the user.


And that is pretty much it. Whenever the user Completes the Module it will check if they passed all the quizzes and if they did, it will give them the chosen rewards.